Friday, May 8, 2009

This was 2 days ago, but still...

UK cable operator Virgin Media has announced the first real-world customer pilots of up to 200Mbps broadband services using DOCSIS3 technology from Cisco, which could make it one of the fastest Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the world. Following successful lab trials, the 6 month long pilot started last week in Ashford, Kent (England), and will ultimately employ 100 customers in the testing process. The pilot will, among other things, test future online consumer applications, including High Definition Internet TV (HD IPTV) and the ability to deliver applications and support for home IT needs through its network. By comparison J:Com in Japan supplies broadband at up to 160Mbps and Cablevision in the US supplies broadband at up to 101Mbps. Like Virgin Media, both companies use DOCSIS3 technology for broadband over cable networks. [Source]

On trial, but still. This is motivation to continue staying in the UK, or scoop out my eyeballs with rusted nails and prongs until it becomes available in this lifetime/in my area/have to move back to Malaysia NOW and resume the services of Screamyx. Hell I'd move to Kent if I'd be chosen as one of those to help run the testing period.

On a slight tangent, apparently googling "WHY WON'T MY FUCKING BALANCE SHEET BALANCE?!?!" won't really help much with accounting homework. I guess Google isn't really the cesspool of worthwhile information. I should've noticed that when I googled "Where are my fucking house keys auuughhhasdgfdklsmfssfnwkjrn!!!" in futile earlier.

This is what google image search returned for "Where are my fucking house keys?!" though;


joe biden

Apparently lost house keys can anthropromorphize into a lowly animal that spews and lives within its own whirlpool of shit and make annoying sounds that grates on your nerves while you conjure up images of strangling said source with thin barb wires.

Oh and the dog is cute too.

Gotta go. Searching for my... nevermind.

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