Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wacko Jacko

Finding a decent picture of him is like figuring out rocket science.
Finding a decent picture of him is like figuring out rocket science.

You know, as shocking as Jacko's death might be, there's another thing that impacted a stronger "What The Fux0rz" reaction;

The aftermath.

Right now, headlines of him getting a Muslim burial, claims of his alleged child molestation being fictitious (they claimed the child confessed to lying as per his parent's request), his death bearing a suspicious cause, and more of his conversion to Islam tales are mushrooming. So now, I'm fasting from any world-related news for a few days. Then I can be like those boarding school kids who can elaborate on the atom's structure word-by-textbook word but still go "Obama? Is that like, a new breed of llamas?"

Not that they can speak decent English though. It would probably sound something like this; "Obama? Is that likes.. new breeding of the animal that looking like llama?"

Assuming they know what a llama is. (If you're wondering why the sudden animosity towards boarding school kids... let's just say there's one particular person who's grating my nerves. If she's not careful, I am so featuring her on this space).

I'll miss the guy though, even though I don't exactly live next door to him and have evening tea and scones together or anything.

As a kid, I remember watching his music videos together with my little sister on laser disc all the time. We'd skip 'Thriller' because the music video would scare the crap out of us...


Okay, maybe just me.

I honestly still can't watch that music video until now and it's the only Jacko song I haven't heard 'till the end. 'Remember The Time' and 'Rock With You' will always be an all-time favourite though.

By the way, you might hate me for this but I'm one of those who believe that his previous child molestation case was fabricated. Not blown out of proportions but completely fabricated. Media hype. Greedy, manipulative parents. Puppeteered, innocent kids. I'm ready to be humiliated and proven wrong however, and I think Kak Wani's the only one who can do that.

A last note from me;


SO true.


  1. I totally agree..

  2. i think he just liked little kids cause he wished he was still one and maybe during one of those playdates, he accidentally brushed up against them or something. i dont know.

    apparently my friend was telling me about this article about how on the day of his death, google and wiki crashed for a bit due to the overload of searches on him. and the article started out something like "would you think it's possible for 1 person to bring down the internet world?"
    i thought that was cool....

  3. damn! asyik sangat bercinta sampai tak sedar about that challenge over there.

    if i hear/read/see/watch one more thing about Jacko, i think i'm going to be loony. so, all that humiliation parts have to wait for a while.

    actually, i'm more interested with that boarding school person you mentioned. hope that the next post will be all about her. please include pics too. i'm at my happiest when i make fun of people i don't know.

  4. hola piolin el bobito le gusta michael jajajajajajjajajaj tus primas

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